One pastor from a security-sensitive Asian country shared this on his graduation day:
During the past four years, we not only learned from [the] training how to preach, but also learned about God’s heart – to preach His gospel with His love for souls and to build His church. While we were still students of this training, [two other pastors and I] started training second generations from other churches. We are also training all the co-workers at our satellite churches.
Our second-generation students have given us very good feedback. They said with the method from [the] training, they no longer get sidetracked from the Bible in their preaching but, with a focus on Jesus, are able to preach the truth.
It is God’s loving plan for us to get equipped through this training. [This] training came to us when we were in need of it, which has brought blessings to our church and changes to our lives. At each training, we got to know God’s heart and felt His presence among us, speaking to us. . . . The revival of the church is from truth preached; when people get to know the truth and obey the truth, revival will come.