Partner in Prayer

Thank you for joining us in prayer!

Each month we’ll update this page with new requests. We invite you to come back regularly to find other ways you can pray for our partners and ministry around the world.


There are times when gospel ministry is lonely. Human help can fail us. Friends may desert us. But we can always find strength in the presence of the Lord who stands by us and will never leave us nor forsake us. Just like Daniel was kept safe in the lion’s den, God’s servants can proclaim his message boldly knowing that “no power of hell, nor scheme of man, can ever pluck me from [Christ’s] hand.”

Thank you for joining us in prayer this month for pastors throughout Africa who are being equipped to preach God’s Word with God’s heart. Some of them may feel lonely and isolated—pray that they would be assured that the Lord is standing by them and strengthening them to fully proclaim the message of the gospel, and that all of Africa would hear it.


Please Pray for the Work in Africa

  • For the launch of new training groups with church planters in Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia in West Africa. Please pray that these new groups will create a solid base for training up into the 10/40 Window.
  • For the strengthening of our training teams in Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, and Togo as they carry out more and more of the training themselves.
  • For the ongoing training of pastors in South Africa and Eswatini.
  • For the development of new partnerships in Malawi, and a new partnership with the Ugandan team to help reach their region.
  • For the continued sustainability in people and provision for the exponential growth in Ethiopia.
  • For the holiness, marriages, families, and churches of our training partners who serve our Lord in under-resourced and culturally opposing contexts.


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