Partner in Prayer

Thank you for joining us in prayer!

Each month we’ll update this page with new requests. We invite you to come back regularly to find other ways you can pray for our partners and ministry around the world.


Running. You either love it or hate it. Call me crazy if you like – but I love to run. 

When I can’t run for a day or two – my current trial while traveling in West Africa – I start feeling restless to get out there, anywhere it’s safe to run. 

But there are obstacles to overcome: an intolerable little piece of gravel slipping into my shoe; a few extra pounds (the perennial bane of my life!) that slows me down; or the energy-draining heat and humidity that makes it important to get out early in the morning or later in the day. 

I am determined to fight through the obstacles because of how much I enjoy the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of a good cardio workout in the great outdoors. And even though I’ll never win any races or compete in the Olympics, I thrive from exercise, and want to keep running well into old age. 

So I resonate with the metaphor of the Christian life as a long-distance run. Anything that hinders our ability to build endurance needs to be cast aside – we can’t afford to be carrying unnecessary weight.

We are spurred on by the cloud of witnesses who are cheering in the stands – and we’ve got our eyes fixed on the champion who has scorned every obstacle to finish his race and to experience the joy of completing the work his Father gave him to accomplish.

Thank you for praying with us this month for our fellow runners in Central Asia who are pressing on in the face of severe obstacles. Our partners and their work in this region of the world are often overlooked by people, but never forgotten by Jesus. May the joy of meeting our triumphant Savior at the finish line spur them on to run the race with endurance!


Please Pray for the Work in Central Asia:

  • Pray for boldness and wisdom for pastors in unregistered churches.
  • Pray for the Central Asian churches as they finish the summer season with many camps for youth, children, and families. This is often a time when a muslim neighbor may hear the gospel.
  • Pray for our team of Central Asian leaders as they seek to replicate the training they’ve received in more remote regions of their countries.
  • Pray for wisdom as we make plans and navigate the various security concerns for our fall workshops. We are in need of changing a few of our training locations.
  • Pray that the Lord will provide all that is needed in translating materials into the national languages.
  • Pray that the Lord would bring more partners to invest financially in the work.
  • There has been a  recent uptick in pressure from security forces in one of the governments, leading to fines and arrests. Please pray that the Lord would give us and our partners wisdom as we navigate the ever changing security concerns.

Please also pray that the Lord will work powerfully through upcoming workshops:

  • Genesis Workshop in Bunda, TZ from August 31-September 11.
  • Genesis and 1 & 2 Samuel Workshop in Mwanza, TZ from September 4-10
  • Jonah Workshop in Fort Wayne, IN from September 17-19
  • Ephesians Workshop in Jacksonville, NC from September 23-25
  • Workshops in South Asia from September 20-October 3


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