Jeff Brewer is a former missionary to the Middle East who was sent by College Church in Wheaton, IL to plant Hope Fellowship in neighboring Lombard. Jeff has experienced WordPartners training in a few different countries and loves the transferrable nature of the Dig & Discover Principles that helps him easily cross networks to train others. He leads workshops in the US for a few different church networks, including Acts29, the one his church belongs to.
“I think there is a need in the United States for pastors not only to be equipped in expository ministry and to sharpen our skills but also to have a shared vocabulary among elder teams so we can work out how to effectively preach in our contexts.”
Jeff doesn’t only equip his elder team.
“We train small group leaders with the [WordPartners] expository principles. Our Men’s Bible study went through all of the principles through various books of the Bible for about a year and a half. The Women’s Bible study has also benefited. These trainings answer crucial questions many in our churches have like Why do I read my Bible? What am I supposed to get out of it? Am I doing it right?“
Wanting to spread this Word-centered expository culture around the world, Jeff’s church helps support WordPartner training in East Africa.
Pastor Jeff leads a training session while training with us in Kenya