In his first workshop, Pastor “Glory” confessed that he had never actually prepared for a sermon.
In his first workshop, Pastor “Glory” confessed that he had never actually prepared for a sermon.
He would simply pick a verse as he walked to the pulpit and start talking. Since then, he has come to realize that the Word of God and the people he shepherds deserve his hard work. Pastor Glory has displayed great progress using the Dig & Discover principles. So much so, he has joined a team of emerging leaders to help train a new group of pastors.
In a training group further south, we met an enthusiastic pastor whose name means “Brightness.” Pastor Brightness immediately began using the principles to prepare his weekly sermons. He also began teaching them to his church’s community Bible study group.
Both of these men continue to grow and excel in their ability to train others. In fact, Pastor Brightness delivered one of the best “Traveling Instructions” sessions we’ve seen from a first-time trainer!
Pastor Glory has surprised us too. After leading his session in the first workshop on Jonah, he asked if he could attend a workshop with the other group. He was invited to attend with one condition – that he be put to work! So, Pastor Glory came to the second group and jumped right in. When it was his turn to lead a session, he skillfully walked the group through exactly what he had learned the week before.
While these developments seem incremental, they are significant. Pastors in this country are training other local pastors. As they enter into training, God’s Word is transforming them. They are absorbing it like sponges. And, they are multiplying it in their own contexts. These are crucial steps toward seeing God’s Word flowing powerfully through every church to every nation.