Advancing in Africa

Jeff Gage

Regional Director, Africa,
March 03, 2025

The 10/40 Window’s many countries across Saharan Africa have long been suffering under oppressive religions and violence. Most of these countries carry a Level 3: Reconsider Travel or even Level 4: Do Not Travel warning. Our access is restricted, “But the Word of God is not bound” (2 Timothy 2:9). God has given us partners in this part of the world who can travel freely in and out of these countries.

West Africa

In Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast, West Africa), 16 pastors and church planters are being trained in WordPartners’ Dig & Discover Principles. Over the past five years, God has raised up French-speaking partners in Togo who have already been trained. They are now training others in Cote d’Ivoire. Over time, these pastors will be able to go throughout Francophone Africa training others. In Liberia, God has given us 25 pastors and church planters who are poised to reach far and wide throughout English-speaking West Africa.

We are so thankful for your faithful giving that enables us to equip pastors to train pastors throughout this restricted-access region.

East Africa: Kenya

Our growing partnership with Church in Hard Places is well underway in Kenya. We recently worked with 75 pastors, church planters, and theological students in three cities across the country. These are godly servants of the Lord who long to be better equipped in proclaiming his Word. More than one of these brothers exclaimed, “This training makes expository preaching simple…The complex ways I have learned before make it difficult to continue doing…this has helped me so much!”

Please continue in prayer for increasing fruitfulness among these men and the churches they serve. The opportunities are great, as are the challenges in these parts of the world. Your partnership with us does much more than provide flights and workbooks. You are helping to equip pastors to preach the Word powerfully, to lead churches faithfully, and to train others for the generations to come.

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