Relationships drive the ministry of WordPartners… they connect us with the right pastors, with the right donors, and with the right staff to spread the Word of God worldwide.
Not too long ago in the tropical city of Portoviejo, Ecuador, we saw a relationship bear fruit in a way that we never expected.
Two of our students in the WordPartners training program, Oscar Paul and Alexander, assembled a group of local pastors and church leaders to train them in the book of Ruth. Among the group of twenty-five church leaders was a random assortment of ministry roles: pastors, pastors’ wives, church leaders, a president of a pastors association, and a friend of Oscar Paul named Pastor Carlos Rodriguez, who hosts a daily 90-minute TV Christian program on Televisión Manabita (Manabi is the province of Portoviejo).
Patricio Paredes being interviewed with Pastor Carlos
Juan Torres sharing his message from Philemon
Even though he could only attend the first night of training, Pastor Carlos liked what he saw so much that he invited Patricio Paredes (WordPartners’ Latin America Director), Juan Torres (a trainer with WordPartners), and Oscar Paul (our training partner in Portoviejo) to share about the WordPartner ministry and preach a sermon on air!
Training Partner Oscar Paul (right) and the TV host (left)
During our 90-minute slot, Patricio shared the importance of preaching the Word and Juan preached a powerful message from Philemon that left a great impression on many who listened, including Pastor Carlos.
We praise God for this special opportunity to preach His Word across the airwaves!
This is just one snapshot into one of many fruitful relationships working together for the spread of God’s Word in Ecuador and around the world.
We also thank God for our relationship with you and the fruitful partnership God allows us to share. It may seem trite to say this, but it doesn’t make it any less true: we cannot do this work without the faithful support of partners like you.
To God be the glory!