Pastor Muluken Melese has discovered something precious through WordPartner’s workshops. He wrote to us expressing his thanks and hope for the future of training in Ethiopia. May these words of gratitude strengthen your faith in the Lord as you read how he continues to spread his Word.
“My name is Muluken Melese from Ethiopia. Thank you for your determination to share the good news of WordPartners. I’m one of those who has been impacted and transformed by the Word of the Lord through WordPartners’ training.
In our country, WordPartners is equipping pastors and ministers to better study, interpret, preach, and apply the Word of the Lord in their lives. I started participating in this training three years ago, and now I have become one of those who give the training to church pastors and ministers.
I was impressed and touched in the first of the eight workshops, and I have now completed seven of the eight Core Training workshops. Even though I have been a convicted Christian and even a minister in a church, the way I study, interpret, and preach the Word of the Lord has been dramatically transformed. Now I’m going to complete the training very soon after I complete the last workshop.
Training with Muluken
I am also a trainer of a number of groups in churches and other Christian fellowships with my fellow ministers. I am very grateful for the ones who took this burden from the Lord. Pastor Eshete Belete, from Addis Ababa and Pastor Taddese Mecho of Hawassa are the ones who are giving us this precious training.
I can honestly say the lives of many, including mine, are being transformed through the blessing of WordPartners. I’m very interested and enthusiastic to progress in WordPartners, committing my life to this training in my local and surrounding churches. I believe the Lord is using this movement to revive and reform the church in Ethiopia, which is unfortunately marching into failure, as far as faithfulness to Scripture is concerned.
Thank you and your fellow team for your commitment to transform and impact lives for Christ through the right understanding and application of his Word. It would be my pleasure if I could support your endeavors financially. But I’m a poor person from a poor country. However, I can give my heart and my commitment and prayer for the success of the journey. I’m pleased to know you and wish to know you more. God bless you.”
Your generous donations allow us to continue training pastors like Muluken across Africa and around the world. As people like you partner with us in prayer and giving, their thankfulness is as much to you as it is to us.