Partner in Prayer

Thank you for joining us in prayer!

Each month we’ll update this page with new requests. We invite you to come back regularly to find other ways you can pray for our partners and ministry around the world.


“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ…” (Colossians 4:2-3 ESV)

In two short verses, we learn much about the priority of prayer. 

Prayer requires consistency. We continue steadfastly in it because there’s never a moment when we’re not absolutely dependent on the provision of God’s grace. An old hymn says it memorably: “Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath, the Christian’s native air.” 

Prayer fuels expectancy. We are watchful in it because we know that while we are praying, God is working to do above and beyond what we could ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20-21).

Prayer is adorned with gratitude. As we speak with our Heavenly Father, we are reminded of his good and generous heart. With all that is within us, we bless his holy name and “forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:1-2). 

Prayer is focused on the advancement of the gospel. We pray with confidence because there is no barrier to the gospel that God cannot overcome. The risen Christ “has the key of David” and he is the one “who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens” (Rev. 3:7). May Jesus lead us to the “open doors” he has set before us, and may we be courageous to declare the mystery of Christ among all the nations!

Please join us this month in prayer for the US Spanish Speaking and Central America:

  • Pray for the efforts being made from William Alvarez and Candido Orozco from Costa Rica going to the island of Ometepe in the Nicaragua Lake, in Nicaragua. A group of 23 pastors have committed to be part of the 2 Timothy training in the third week of February. 
  • Pray for the opportunity to finish our training program in Reading, Pennsylvania. We need to do the Psalms workshop in order to finish and graduate the pastors and leaders from two churches there. 
  • Pray for the last training and graduation in Costa Rica in the second week in March. We see three of these students as potential candidates to be chosen as trainers of other workshops in the near future. 
  • Pray for the upcoming Advance training in Honduras at the end of March. The training team will be reviewing the updated Genesis material.

Please also pray that the Lord will work powerfully through upcoming workshops:

  • Costa Rica, March 13-15 and 19-22 
  • Honduras, March 26-28
  • Ecuador, April 1-6
  • Danbury, Connecticut, April 24-26
  • Viña del Mar, Chile, May 1-3


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